Marc Fonvieille wrote:
On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 10:50:01AM -0400, Chuck Swiger wrote:
[ ... ]
To some extent, Andy doesn't want to fully document everything to encourage people to either "use the source, luke", or to create more user-friendly (but seperate) frontends like k3b. I don't fully understand the mindset of not making a program fully documented or oriented towards its users, but Andy has been reasonably responsive to integrating FreeBSD changes for the port, so I'm not going to complain...

I do not agree with that statement, Andy helped us to clearly document
growisofs in the Handbook, it's just a shame people hardly read the DVD
section.  Regarding the complex or "invisible" options, they should not
be used/exist if DVD burners firmware or DVD media were without bugs :(

The Handbook has good documentation on using dvd+rw-tools as well as other software, and I would second the recomendation that people take a look at it if they want to burn CD's or DVD's.

You are welcome to hold the opinion that the documentation is complete, but:

13-sec% cd /usr/ports/sysutils/dvd+rw-tools && make extract > /dev/null
14-sec% grep luke work/dvd+rw-tools-
 * - undocumented -use-the-force-luke flag to overwrite the media
 * - extended syntax for -use-the-force-luke option, it's now possible
 *   to engage DVD-R[W] dummy mode by -use-the-force-luke=[tty,]dummy
 * - complement -use-the-force-luke=dao[:size] to arrange for piping
 * - implement -use-the-force-luke=seek:N -Z /dev/dvd=image to arrange
 *   -use-the-force-luke=seek:N it's easier to maintain "tar-formatted"
 * - -use-the-force-luke=tracksize:size option by suggestion from K3b;
 * - -use-the-force-luke=wrvfy for WRITE AND VERIFY(10);
 * - -use-the-force-luke=4gms to allow ISO9660 directory structures
 * - more sane sanity check for -use-the-force-luke=tracksize:N;
 * - -use-the-force-luke=break:size to set Layer Break position for
 * - -use-the-force-luke=noload to leave tray ejected at the end;
            else if (!strncmp(opt,"-use-the-force-luke",19))

...or consult the manpage, again:

      "There're   several   undocumented   options   commonly   denoted   with
       -use-the-force-luke prefix. Some of them serve debugging purposes. Some
       require  certain  knowledge  about  recording process or even OS kernel
       internals and as being such can induce confusing behaviour. Some are to
       be  used in very specific situations better recognized by front-ends or
       automated scripts. Rationale behind leaving these options  undocumented
       is  that  those  few users who would actually need to use them directly
       can as well consult the source code  or  obtain  specific  instructions


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