On 8/10/05, Carstea Catalin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to configure my dns to redirect all request from :
>  http://www.mail.mydomain.com <http://www.mail.mydomain.com>
>  to
>  http://mail.mydomain.com
>  Many users do first request and my server respond only al the second url.
>  Tks!
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DNS will not do "redirects", that's a function of a web server.
You can do an aliases. The format would be like this in the zone file.

www.mail   IN   CNAME    mail.domain.com.

So going to www.mail.domain.com is the same as using mail.domain.com.
The only time it is not good to do the above, is when your web server
is doing name based virtual hosting.

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