|  Also, a script in sh(1), or do you have some other

language available?  I have a short PHP script
that does something similar and could be modded,

OTOH, somebody around here could probably
give you a one-liner with sh, sed, grep, awk, date,
test, etc., but I was at the hospital last night until
2 a.m. and don't think I can pull it off ATM....

Kevin Kinsey

I want to clean out an IMAP "folder" (actually file $HOME/mail/Spam). We have about 10,000 users and our users don't check their spam quarantine often, so our policy is to remove messages after 14 days.

I know how to:

1) recursively pull each Spam folder in existance (for x in `ls /home/*/mail/Spam`; do ....; done) 2) Use grep and awk to pull each message and its relative data (grep the date, parse it)

What I'm not sure of is how to remove a message from the spool itself. Should I just use grep and/or sed to "pull until new From header", then remove those lines from the spool manually?

This would be easier if I could use IMAP, because then I could use the built-in PHP functions for imap to check dates and remove messages. Problem is, we don't know the user's passwords (they are hashed).

Any other ideas?  Thanks!

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