> I was wondering if we can visit your orginaztion and get some
> training in your system and also to get your permission to use
> FreeBSD.

There is no company behind FreeBSD. FreeBSD is written and maintained by
a large team of individuals from all over the world. There are no
headquarters to visit, these mailing lists probably form the core of
most communication.

There are however conventions every so often in different places where
you can meet FreeBSD developers and users.

For learning how to use FreeBSD, there's excellent documentation available:


If you need consulting, maybe one of these companies can help:


Also realize that FreeBSD's license allows you to do anything you like
with it (except claim you wrote it). You may use it for your project.
You may change it, use it in any way you like, or even sell it. You do
not need to ask anyone's permission.


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