I would highly discourage you from doing this, especially without the permission of your company. Just make sure that your admin knows that you are doing this and make sure that your BSD box at home is properly secured. Keep in mind that if your system at home is compromised then your system at work is open to attack.

Anyhow, couldn't you just ssh into your box at home and then ssh to the system at work from there? I think this would be an easier and safer solution than creating a tunnel.

Bow Sineath
Class of 2006, the Citadel

----- Original Message ----- From: "Toomas Laasik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <freebsd-questions@freebsd.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 5:35 PM
Subject: anonymous ssh forwarding

I have the following situation. Our company has a ssh server where users can connect from only specified static ip addresses. Like I have at home an ip address and ssh server accepts connections only from it. Now I wan't to get access to that ssh server from places where I don't have static ip. I already have at home a freebsd server running with simple configutation. Is it possible to make some kind of tunnel or something so I could connect to my home freebsd machine that connects to ssh server so that ssh server 'thinks' that I'm connecting from home?

Thank you in advance.

Sorry for bad English


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