On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 23:07, tristan gestim wrote:
> hello,
> when i try to boot my freebsd box, i see the following:
> [...]
> ad1s1e: hard error reading fsbn 12394751 of 6197344-6197471 (ad1s1 bn
> 12394751: cn 771 tn 137 sn 5) trying PIO mode
> ad1s1e: hard error reading fsbn 12394751 of 6197344-6197471 (ad1s1 bn
> 12394751: cn 771 tn 137 sn 5) status=59 error=40
> /dev/ad1s1e: CANNOT READ: BLK 6197344
> [..]
> ok so i run fsck manually but it tells me that the filesystem ist still
> corrupt and to rerun fsck what doesnt help
> has anyone an idea of what i could do?

Recover what data you can and replace the drive?

This sounds like disk errors rather than filesystem problems.


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