
I share broadband with a couple of other people. One of them uses limewire p2p software. When limewire is not running browsing feels fast and ftp on my freebsd box says it's downloading at 115 to 120 kB/s. Even when I have an ftp download going browsing doesn't seem very much affected. I assume from this that my usage won't affect the other people very much.

When limewire is running, even though it is throttled, ftp downloads run at half speed or less and my experience of browsing is that it is sluggish.

Today I had a download running at about 60kB/s and he said his (XP based) limewire was showing 25kB/s download and 5kB/s upload. When he turned off limewire my download speed went back to 120k.

Why don't the numbers support the experience? We have 1Mb/s download and 128K upload (telewest cable). In theory even between us we weren't using all the bandwidth.

If I put a FreeBSD NAT/router box between the cable modem and the LAN what console based tools should I put on it to examine what's happening?

I would very much appreciate any help as this is becoming a bit of an issue here.

fwiw FreeBSD box.13dog.org 5.4-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE #0: Sun Aug 21 17:46:54 BST 2005.


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