On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 23:34:55 +0200
Maarten Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> If used to have my wives laptop configured with rc.conf containing:
> 'ifconfig_wi0="DHCP"' this works and brings up wi0. Since my town is
> crowded with wardrivers I would like to use wep. Because my wife often
> inserts the pcmcia card after booting I also like to have pccard
> enabled. I can manually configure the card to use WEP. dhclient is
> configured 'out of the box'.
> What I did after some googling:
> in /etc/rc.conf I added:
> pccard_enable="YES"
> pccard_flags="-z"
> pccard_ifconfig="DHCP"
> and I removed:
> ifconfig_wi0="DHCP"
> I created a file:
> /etc/start_if.wi0
> ifconfig wi0 nwkey 0xsomehex
> The wi card is listed in /etc/default/pccard.conf :
>         config  auto "wi" ?
>         insert  /etc/pccard_ether $device start
>         remove  /etc/pccard_ether $device stop
> so I think /etc/pccard_ether should be executed on boot/insertion. Now
> this works not as I expect. When I manually run:
> /etc/pccard_ether wi0 start
> /etc/start_if.wi0 is not interpretted and the WEP key is not set so
> dhclient fails.
> I guess I am missing a trivial point, but which?
> Maarten

I use a script to configure my wireless pccard.  A simplified version
(without start, stop, etc) of a WEP, DHCP connection follows:

        ifconfig wi0 ssid ssidname nwkey 0x9999999999
        dhclient wi0

Basically, you need to add the ssid information to your ifconfig line
and execute dhclient after the interface has been configured with the
WEP key.

Good luck,

Andrew Gould
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