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On 2005-09-07 06:35, Steve Suhre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm upgrading a server and have sendmail 8.13.1 installed. I've moved
> the aliases and virtusertable files over and have run makemap and
> newaliases. Sendmail has been complaining that it can't find aliased
> users like postmaster and www. I doublechecked the aliases file and they
> are there. If I add them to the virtusertable file, which I'd rather not
> do, then sendmail stops complaining and delivers the mail. I checked for
> the "-n" flag and it's not set when runnung sendmail at startup. I also
> checked to see that the aliases file was in the correct place as
> indicated in sendmail.cf.

That's funny.  Any hints in the log files?

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