On 2005-09-08 16:50, Bob Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In make.conf(5) it says
>                    (str) The default format for system documentation, depends
>                    on your printer.  This can be set to ``ascii'' for simple
>                    printers, or ``ps'' for postscript or graphics printers
>                    with a ghostscript filter, or both.
> So does PRINTERDEVICE change the default output for groff, or does it
> do something else, or nothing at all, and how does it affect your
> proposed change?

Yes and no.  Yes it does affect the output format, but only of the files
under /usr/src that use it.

I don't think groff uses it all the time:

        % strings `which groff` | grep PRINTERDEVICE

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