Vizion wrote:

On Friday 09 September 2005 11:13, the author Kevin Kinsey contributed to the dialogue on- Re: php compile options:
Vizion wrote:
I do wish thiss kind of info was documented, for every port in Port_Install.readme or something similar- I have spent ages trying to get to bottom of how to deal with this!

AFAIK, it is documented; see ports(7).

Different ports require different knowledge as to how they should be installed!

`cd /usr/ports/category/fooport && sudo make install clean`
works in the general case for every port in the tree* (assuming
in this exact case, that you've already installed and configured
"sudo", and the directory /usr/ports/category/fooport exists and
contains a port skelton, of course).  Otherwise do it as root without
calling sudo.  The system does the work, and, in the general sense,
no particular expertise is required.

Ah well -- live and learn I gues -- but once someone has learnt can we not have a siomple means of passing the learning on without wasting the time of every learner!!

Ah, yes. "I am Locutus of Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." But it only works that way in Star Trek ;-) Real Life is more like Will Rogers:
"There are two ways of getting smarter.  One is reading, and the other is
hanging around with smarter people."

Between 'RTFM' and hanging around this list, I'm doing both :-D

Kevin Kinsey

* Occasionally a port is marked as "broken".  Occasionally one is broken,
and nobody else knows about it --- yet.  Both cases would be exceptions.
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