In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
            Paul Marciano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: > Even to the point that it will be hard for you to
: > effect change because people don't take you
: > seriously.
: I don't want to effect change, I just want a working
: system.

If the system isn't working for you, then you're advocating a change.

: If you're serious about supporting an
: operating system you have to support all your uses,
: even the assholes.

Since I don't have usb serial hardware that's tickling the problem,
I'm unmotivated to do anything about the problems.  And even if I was
motivated, I can't even begin to do anything about the problem without
hardware.  And even if I had the hardware, it has to be important to
me.  Either for something cool I'm hacking on, or because I get a fist
full of dollars for my efforts.

You asked for honesty, and I'll give you some more: You are being a
jerk and acting like you are entitled to having your particular
problem fixed without pitching in and helping in some way.  This
combination is particularly bad when faced with an open source
project.  It will get you nowhere but frustrated when we don't cow-tow
to your demands.

Have a nice day.

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