Hello all

I asked this question a couple of weeks back, but have not yet been able to
make this work.

I often transfer files to my home machines from work using scp.  Currently,
if I want to move a file to a machine on my LAN, I first have to copy the
file to a user home dir on the gateway box, then recopy it from the gateway
to the internal box.  How do I avoid this extra step?  eg,  ------------------>  -------------------->
(remote machine)                       (gateway)       |

I have tried this:

in /etc/rc.conf:

natd_interface="ed0" # outside interface
natd_flags="-f /etc/natd.conf"

and in /etc/natd.conf:

dynamic yes
redirect_port tcp 22002
redirect_port tcp 22010
redirect_port tcp 22015

Near the top of /etc/firewall.conf I have:

$fwcmd $flags add divert natd all from any to any via $oif

Connecting to the gateway on port 22 works fine, but all other connections
(22002, 22010, 22015) time out.
I have the proper keys in the proper places and the hosts files are OK.  I
appreciate any help.  Please cc me, as this address is not subscribed to the
list.  Thanks!

Best Regards,

Joshua Lokken
OMIC Portland Branch
503 807 6538

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