Beecher Rintoul wrote:
> Boot off the install disk. Choose "Do a post install configuration".
> Choose "Additional Distribution Sets" - "Man" Install.

Thank you for your reply.  :-)

Why is that any different than running /stand/sysinstall and choosing the same?
That's what I did, I feed it my CD1, and it consumed several megabytes of hard
disk space installing stuff:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# find / -name man

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# du /usr/share/man | tail -n 1
8740    /usr/share/man

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# du /usr/local/man | tail -n 1
302     /usr/local/man

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# l /usr/share/man
./              cat4/           en.ISO8859-1/   man3/           man9/
../             cat5/           en.ISO8859-15@  man4/           whatis
cat1/           cat6/           ja/             man5/
cat1aout/       cat7/           man1/           man6/
cat2/           cat8/           man1aout/       man7/
cat3/           cat9/           man2/           man8/

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# l /usr/share/man/man1/man*
/usr/share/man/man1/man.1.gz            /usr/share/man/man1/manpath.1.gz

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# man 1 man
No entry for man in section 1 of the manual

The man pages are there; man isn't finding them.  Is there a man configuration
file somewhere I need to fix?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# find / -name 'man*' | grep conf

Any suggestions?


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