
I am in the process of trying to do an update of
kernel and world on an old machine (machine A), using
a newer, faster, machine (machine B).  Machine B is
set up as an NFS server for machine A.

The /etc/exports file on machine B inculdes:

/usr -maproot=root:0 -alldirs -network

Mahine A currently has address  Machine
B has /usr mounted on a device, not, say, /usr/src.

I have followed the following process.

While logged onto machine B:
cvsup /usr/src
cd /usr/src
make buildworld
make buildkernel KERNCONF=<config. for machine A>

Once this is complete, I then log onto machine A and
mount /usr/src and /usr/obj via NFS.  The /etc/fstab
contains:  /usr/src  nfs  ro,-i,noauto  /usr/obj  nfs  rw,-i,noauto

(Machine B has assigned to it's internal
interface).  The KERNCONF file is visible on machine
A, and the /etc/make.conf files are pretty similar,

CFLAGS= -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe
COPTFLAGS= -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe
KERNCONF=<config. for machine A>

However, when I cd to (the NFS mounted) /usr/src on
machine A and enter ...

make installkernel KERNCONF=<config. for machine A>

... the install fails.

>From what I can see, the program /usr/bin/install core
dumps with exit status 4.  Looking at the man page for
install(1) it seems that there is an issue with
fchflags(2) over NFS.

The questions are then, is my guess correct, and is
there a work around?

Also, for info, I'm trying to install 5.4-RELEASE-P7
onto A, while B has 5.4-RELEASE-p6 as it's kernel, but
DOES have the FreeBSD-SA-05:20.cvsbug update.

Any help gratefully received ...


PS.  I did use machine B as the client and machine A
as the server, mounted and installed using DESTDIR,
but there were a whole lot of warnings about (I think)
chflags which certainly didn't look right!

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