Ok, so I confirmed that the sound from my tv card is fed into the line in on my sound card. I set the recording source to line and adjusted the volume levels so that my mixer looks is thus:
Recording source: line
Mixer vol      is currently set to  50:50
Mixer pcm      is currently set to  51:51
Mixer speaker  is currently set to  75:75
Mixer line     is currently set to 100:100
Mixer mic      is currently set to   0:0
Mixer cd       is currently set to  75:75
Mixer rec      is currently set to 100:100
Mixer ogain    is currently set to  50:50
Mixer line1    is currently set to 100:100
Mixer phin     is currently set to   0:0
Mixer phout    is currently set to   0:0
Mixer video    is currently set to  75:75

With that, I can run motv and use sox to grab the audio from the VHS. But that still doesn't help me get both streams. I have tried transcode and nuvrec (as root) with absolutely NO AUDIO. I can't be the only one that has done this before! Just show me a working cmd, or point me to a mailing list where someone might actually know....PLEASE.

On Sep 11, 2005, at 2:17 PM, Roshan wrote:

On 9/10/05, Gunter Wambaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have taken on the task of converting my Father's old VHS tapes to
DVD.   I have connected my VCR to my Hauppauge card.  I can watch a
tape and hear sound with fxtv, but when I try to record with nuvrec,
ffmpeg, or transcode, I get no sound whatsoever.  I have tried
several variations of each command (as root too).  I have googled and
I have searched the mailing lists but nothing helps.  Can someone
here help me out?

FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p7 #1: Sat Sep 10 10:34:31 CDT 2005

bktr0: <BrookTree 878> mem 0x86100000-0x86100fff irq 17 at device 9.0
on pci0
bktr0: Hauppauge Model 44371 D123
bktr0: Detected a MSP3435G-B6 at 0x80
bktr0: Hauppauge WinCast/TV, Philips FR1236 NTSC FM tuner, msp3400c
stereo, remote control.
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Do you have a direct cable that connects your sound card to your
tv-card ?  If this is the case, the sound is just mere analog data
that goes out of the grabber card to the sound card, which means the
processor has nothing to do with sound. The system knows nothing about
the sound stream.
have a look at the wiring inside your pc to confirm that.

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