Vladimir Dvorak wrote:
Ok, I followed you instructions and my config looks:

defaultdomain: devel
virtdomains: yes

Now I login as admin cyrus and try to create mailbox:

devel:~# cyradm -u cyrus localhost
IMAP Password:
              localhost.localdomain> cm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
createmailbox: Permission denied

In maillog is nothing, what permissions I should increace ? Do you have
any idea ?

Since you don't have any working mailboxes yet, it might be wise to delete what is and start over just to avoid any hanging problems.

I just tried:

localhost> cm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
localhost> lam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have no testuser (so I haven't tested login) nor a virtualdomain.org in my dns or elsewhere.

Which versions do you use? Admittedly, I spent about a week getting things to work last year - now most is forgotten :-) - try to subscribe also to the cyrus list for better support.

Keep up :-)

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