On 09/19/05 09:57 PM, Kiffin Gish sat at the `puter and typed:
> I know I am not the first nor more than likely the last, but I cannot 
> for the life of me get Flash to work in Firefox 1.0.6 on FreeBSD 5.4.
> I've tried everything according to the FreeBSD handbook, mailing lists, 
> etc, but still when there is a page with Flash, poor Firefox chokes and 
> dies.
> One thing interesting I noticed though, which might be a hint, is that 
> if I exit Xfce, logout, login this time as root, fire up Xfce again and 
> then run Firefox, everything works without a hitch, e.g. even 
> flash-based pages don't crash Firefox. Weird.
> What gives?

I assume you have the plugger port installed?  Better yet, install the
plugger-plugins-hubbe port.  It's a meta-port that gets not only the
plugger port, but all those needed for the various media types, like
xanim and mplayer.

The plugin management isn't exactly solid as a rock yet.  Here's a few
places to look:

ls -lCF ~/.plugger:
-r-xr-xr-x  1 leblanc  leblanc  13516 Sep 16 15:50 plugger-5.1.3*
-r-xr-xr-x  1 leblanc  leblanc   9068 Sep 16 15:50 plugger-controller*
-r-xr-xr-x  1 leblanc  leblanc   2905 Sep 16 15:50 plugger-oohelper*
-r--r--r--  1 leblanc  leblanc  18310 Sep 16 19:08 pluggerrc-5.1.3

If you have anything different, make sure your /usr/ports/www/plugger/
port is up to date, clean out ~/.plugger, and as your userid - with the
port built - type 'make local-install'.  This will repopulate

Then there's this:
ls -lCF /usr/X11/lib/browser-plugins/
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel     62 Sep 19 08:34 libjavaplugin_oji.so@ -> 
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  23952 Sep 16 15:48 npplugger.so*

I know it seems a little sparse, but it does the trick for me.
nplugger.so is the plugger interface, and libjavaplugin_oji.so is, of
course, the java plugin.  You'll want the JDK 1.4.2 port installed
before worrying about this one.

One big hangup I ran into at this point, was not having mplayer
configured right.  Check out `man mplayer` to check out the proper
configuration - pay particular attention to the -vo switch.  Use the
/usr/local/share/mplayer/example.conf file, and modify the various flags
that appear troublesome.  You can figure this out by getting a .wmv or
.mpeg URL and passing it to mplayer from the command line.

If it helps, this is my vo setting:
vo = sdl,x11,xv,gl,gl2

I should probably put gl2 at the beginning though . . .

Louis LeBlanc                          FreeBSD-at-keyslapper-DOT-net
Fully Funded Hobbyist,                   KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
Please send off-list email to:         leblanc at keyslapper d.t net
Key fingerprint = C5E7 4762 F071 CE3B ED51  4FB8 AF85 A2FE 80C8 D9A2

Finagle's Fourth Law:
  Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it only makes
  it worse.

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