Hi all,

My thinkpad wifi card is being a bit odd.......

When I do this:

ifconfig wi0 wepmode on ssid <myssid> wepkey 0x1231231234 up

It shows status as "associated", and a tcpdump shows activity on the network, but I can't ping anywhere nor can I get anywhere (of course I set an IP manually and also do a route add default to add the default gateway).

When I disable wep on the router, and do:

ifconfig wi0 wepmode off ssid <myssid> up

it works fine.  I can run dhclient wi0, etc..... all works fine.

So something is up with wep on this IBM Thinkpad T23 internal wireless card. Any ideas?

Maybe I'm being dumb, but the laptop says the key is a 40 bit wep key while the router says its a 64 bit hex... although I think these are identical because one is decimal and one is hex, correct? Or is this where my problem is?


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