Hi all -

I've built a live CDROM based off of the cdroot package and 4.x. It's designed to be popped into a machine, wipe the hard drive, install a custom image, and that's it.

Everything works great with one exception.

I would *love* to be able to have the CDROM automatically eject when it's finished (and/or shutdown). This way a user could power on a headless box, pop in the cd, reboot, let it's do it's thing and know it was done when the CDROM ejected.

I know the drives can do it because I've seen some other CD's (most recent a seagate disk utility) do it.

But the closest I can come is:

cdcontrol -f acd0 eject

and then I can press the eject button and it will eject.

This is fine for me, but I don't want the people doing this to have to know to wait for the disk lights to stop.

Any suggestions?


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