Hello, Alistair.

On 9 îêòÿáðÿ 2005 ã., 21:35:27 you wrote:

AS> What version of FreeBSD are you running?

AS> At the moment, portmanager dumps core on FreeBSD 6 (and presumably
AS> -CURRENT), the author is aware of it and AFAIK is currently trying to
AS> track down why and where.

AS> Installing portmanager from a 5.4 package works though (as long as you
AS> have the 5.x libs installed).

that's another issue, currently portmanager from ports runs fine on
6.0-current in interactive environment, but coredumps from cron or
something similar. the same behaviour on on 5.4-stable.

Best regards,
 Michael                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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