On 10/15/05, Gary Kline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         You know, what I'd like my wm to be able to do is
>         set <whatever> app (say xload)
>         /usr/bin/nice -n -17 xload -g 50x90+0+0 &
>         so that I'll be able to nice it down to some low  value,
>         control the placing and size of the app, and so on.
>         I assume that Gnome/KDE (and their light versions)
>         have some ~user/.* XML files where things are tuned,
>         but grep  -r .* hasn't found anything ...
>         Is there/Where is the files that list the apps so that
>         I can set up things and season-to-my-tastes?
>         For me, functioality is more imortant than how "pretty"
>         things look.

The bizarrely-named 'devilspie' will handle window location, sizing,
pinning, and the default workspace assignment (in case you don't want
it pinned). It doesn't handle nicing, however.

It works fine with devilspie. I expect it will work OK with KDE or twm too.
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