Hi There,

         recently i have ordered "FreeBSD 5.4 CDs"
from UK. Presently i am using "Celeron-600 on
SiS-630". I know "FreeBSD" will work on my system.
since i have Celeron i said to them that i have i386
architecture. Now in the next month i want to purchase
a new computer (as i have an old & quite slow

I am thinking of buying AMD-athlon-64. I know that
FreeBSD will work on AMD64 architecture but what i do
not know is will the same CDs will work for AMD64? I
mean, does FreeBSD come in different types of hardware
dependent CD packs (like Debian GNU/Linux uses 2
diffenent CD packs for x86 and AMD64)? 

-- if your answer is "hardware dependent CD packs"
    i will not buy AMD-athlon-64, instead i will take 
    CeleronD. (and will feel sad as i will not be able

    to assemble & use a new hardware myself). 

-- if your answer is "hardware independent CD packs" 
   then i will buy AMD-athlon-64 and take experience
   assembling & using a new hardware as i have already

   assembled Celeron and Pentium because these are 
   frequently used in INDIA.

I am learning PROGRAMMING and will take it as my
professsion but i also want to have experience of
different hardwares (like we have of different

ONE MORE QUESTION: My friend has "AMD-sempron -
                   Will "FreeBSD" work on this one (I 
                   am asking because it is a 32 bit OS
                   and Fedora-Core-3 can not be 

  again i need the answer in the form of "hardware   
  dependent/independent CD packs"

can you help me by providing answers to these 2

thanks for your time.



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