darren david wrote:
hey all-

in the somewhat pending case that i may not be able to retrieve my data from RAID 5 unit, I'm wondering what my best option is for blocksize on a .75TB RAID 5 volume. does the 64k RAID stripe size have any impact on these figures? It was previously set to the default( 16384 blocksize, 2048 fragment ) without any noticeable perf issues, but i'm just wondering if, well, size matters? ;)

darren david
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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You shouldn't have any problems. Read about tunefs if you wish, it may help you.

I have a 6x250gb array (1.25tb RAID5). FBSD 5.2.1 refused to support a filesystem larger than 1.0tb, so i chunked it into 2 partitions to get around that problem and then I mounted them back using mount_nullfs so it appears as though all dirs are on the same partition in a single directory. Not sure if the 1TB filesystem limit problem is unique to me or not, but you will be fine with your .75tb no question.

Matt Virus ("veer-iss")
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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