On Sat, 22 Oct 2005, eoghan wrote:

Im wondering if someone can point me in the correct direction. I have set my host name in my hosts file as localhost localhost home.nathaniel localhost
So I wanted to use this to get my freeBSD machine from another computer on my network. If it try http://home.nathaniel/ on the freeBSD machine it works perfect. But if I try from my mac i get the usual cannot find server. The ServerName in my httpd.conf is home.nathaniel.
Id like to get it sending this name so I can also use it with samba like:
Instead of using the machines IP address. Thanks for any help.

I think you're on the wrong track, domain names doesn't work like host names for samba clients. Your BSD machine never sends its name. There's no way other clients can resolve the host name.

You need to tell the clients on your network about the hostnames of other hosts.

I don't know about Mac, but even Windows has a hosts file in which you can list known hosts on the network without the need to setup dns. This is fine if you have only a few hosts.

Cheers, Erik
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