it was said:

> Dears,I'm discussing on power of BSD family.I told you
>bind(),accept() & 
>socket() is own of BSD.But they saying me GNU write it.write or

You do not specify which bind(), accept(), and socket() you are
talking about, so I will assume you mean the system calls. They
first appeared in 4.2BSD, which was released in August 1983.
(This is NOT the same thing as FreeBSD 4.2.) This was the first
unix to have TCP/IP built in. The following month, September
1983, Richard Stallman started the GNU project. 
By the way, FreeBSD 1.0 was released in December 1993. Linux 1.0
was released in March 1994; but the first version of Linux,
0.01, was released in August 1991.



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