On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 12:26, Konrad Heuer wrote:
> On 13 Dec 2002, David Gethings wrote:
> > If I can't get this to work I'm going to have to use Linux as I know
> > this works. :(
> If you know Linux fdisk recognizing the disk correctly, you can try to use
> Linux fdisk to create a FreeBSD partition, can't you? You should than be
> able to use the partition withis FreeBSD sysinstall.
> I Know that this is not a real solution, but it may be a workaround.
Hi Konrad,

That thought did cross my mind after I sent the email out. If I must
then I will do this, but I would rather be able to do this from within
the FreeBSD install.



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