On Nov 1, 2005, at 3:21 PM, Peter Matulis wrote:

--- stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Yeah, it has a "something's missing" feel to it.  I suppose it was
time to distance ourselves from the demon thing though.  It not
having a face is a step in that direction.  The horns remain to
appease hardcore people I guess.

I could almost buy the arguments for the need of a logo distinct from a mascot, but... A) Does FreeBSD actually have a marketing department? I was under the impression it didn't. So how can you have a good argument for needing a separate logo? Admins trying to "argue for using FreeBSD in a corporate environment" simply don't include the Beastie images if their PHBs are that offended by it... B) I keep getting the feeling that this (logo is not a mascot! We need to sell to corporates with a serious image!), is more of a way to justify an underlying motive, and that is people are offended by the devil imagery and can't separate it from the tongue-in-cheek daemon reference.

If that is the actual reason...it's "offensive" to people who probably don't even know what a daemon actually is or what the reference came from...I would prefer not to have any "logo creation". It has a very oily feel to the whole thing to have people maneuvering to change something they find religiously offensive under the guise of something happy and positive for the group. THIS IS WONDERFUL FOR THE PROJECT! IT HELPS OUR IMAGE AND WE'LL BE MORE POPULAR AND CORPORATIONS WILL LOVE IT AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS "DEVIL" THING even though that's a totally coincidental bonus that never once occurred to me while lobbying to change...er, create...a logo...

That said, I personally thought it looked like a nice logo if I was looking at the right one. It would make a nice glass paperweight to sell. But...I still don't like what I feel was the real reason for the change.

But that's just me, I guess.

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