On Nov 1, 2005, at 7:00 PM, ke.han wrote:

In any efforts to expand the market share of freeBSD, I suggest the following: a - It is important to show professionalism, courtesy and restraint as a community. I chose to move from Linux to freeBSD in large part because of the quality of the community and documentation. Public fits on the maillists do more damage to any attempt at large corporate acceptance than a new logo might help.

Yes, because PHBs and non-techs spend much of their time researching and culling through online forums and archives when making decisions about what servers to use in their IT department. It's hard enough just getting techies to RTFM and Google for previous solutions...

Plus, it's VERY professional to non-techs to have them look answers up online instead of through a dedicated support contract with a large company, and with polished manuals and updates handed to the client in shiny wrappers.

Oh, and most companies I know of shine up their image by asking their employee grunts to come up with a new logo to present to the public. I mean, what can a professionally paid service do that a bunch of bike-shedders can't?


FreeBSD, Linux, most of open source...they're controlled chaos. The fact this stuff has worked is utterly amazing to the suits...the right personality types reign in control and keep the cats...er, programmers...for the most part in line, with little or no promise of payment. By conventional wisdom the open source model has worked, and it shouldn't have. Now people are talking about polishing up the image to get it into the corporate world to "sell" it as if it were a finished product...it's like someone found the project and wants to shoehorn it into the conventional sales and development model. Tech people have been sneaking BSD, Linux, and assorted projects into the corporate realm all on their own, and it's been growing in areas where you'd expect low cost back-ends would be a boon for the technology-savvy (private web sites, home servers, "geek" projects...). People made a profit with these projects by creating their own companies with their own logos to customize projects or tweak them and offer their own support for their distros. Never has there been a "Linux" company...but there has been a Red Hat, or a SuSE, to fill the niche. The projects stood alone.

All the bickering and attempts to polish BSD for some imaginary marketing department is like watching kids on a playground make a better sand castle. The guys doing real marketing and polishing? Apple, with Darwin. And that's only partially based on BSD.

People telling others to just "fork" and "do their own project" for control...how about starting an actual company, like Red Hat did, to market and build off of and give back to the project? Why must FreeBSD become political and have an attempt to become "the" company? Let it go on it's own and let others pick up the mantle to create a company to offer service and support. Let the geeks work with FreeBSD and let the users and marketers use a company-packaged version if that's their liking.

b - I think that sharing a common daemon logo/mascot with the other BSDs is a good thing. Linux has done well with the various penguin effects. Don't worry too much about this. Just accept what users already have adopted.

Sharing the logo/mascot was a traditional thing. It's a reference to a shared history...it's there for a reason.

And please stop with the top posting. Not that anyone will listen, of course...

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