On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, Jörg Sonnenberger wrote:
> Subject: Re: dos emulators
> On Sat, 14 Dec 2002 13:34:40 -0500
> "Asenchi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I was wondering if any one new of a good DOS Emulator that will run
> > Foxpro 2.6.  Thanks.
> > 
> > Running:
> > 4.7-release
> > 
> > Curt Micol
> You can try at least bochs (slow) or dosemu (not sure, how it works
> under FreeBSD, never tried). Bochs is a PC emulator and really
> slow (emulates 80x86...) and is in ports, dosemu not.
> - Joerg

Several years ago, while on co-op, I had to port a bunch of aging foxpro 
data to a more modern rig. I had zero luck getting the DOS version of 
FoxPro to run reliably in dosemu or Wine (in Linux) at the time, so I 
viewed the format of the FoxPro data files (they were flat text files) and 
wrote some Perl to move it all into text and SQL statements to load it 
into a more modern database.

In short, it may take you less time to reformat the data manually than it 
will to fsck around with FoxPro and get it to run reliably. So if you're 
porting data to a newer rig, think about it, if you just plain want to run 
FoxPro, don't ;)

Good luck!

#  John Bleichert 
#  http://vonbek.dhs.org/latest.jpg

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