On 11/6/05, Kirk Strauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 04 November 2005 02:04 pm, you wrote:
> > Does the overall order of lines change every time you dump the tables?
> No, although an arbitrary number of lines might get deleted.
> > If it does/can, then there's a trivial solution (a few lines in perl, or a
> > hundred lines in C) that'll make the speed roughly similar to that of I/O.
> Could you elaborate?  That's been bugging me all weekend.  I know I should
> know this, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
> --
> Kirk Strauser

while (there are more records) {
 a = read (line from old file)
 b = read (line from new file)
 if (a == b) then next
 if (a <> b) {
  if (a in new_records) {
   get a out of new_records
  if (b in old_records) {
   get b out of old_records
  put a in old_records
  put b in new_records

after that old_records will contain records present in old
file, but not in new file, and new_records will contain
records present in new file, but not old one.

Note, that the difference must be kept in RAM, so it
won't work if there are multi-gig diffs, but it will work
very fast if the diffs are only 10-100Mb, it will work at
close to I/O speed if the diff is under 10Mb.

If the records can be ordered in a known order (e.g.
alphabetically), we don't need to keep anything in
RAM then and make any checks at all. Let's
assume an ascending order (1-2-5-7-31-...):

while (there are more records) {
 a = read (line from old file)
 b = read (line from new file)
 while (a <> b) {
  if (a < b) then {
   write a to old_records
   read next a
  if (a > b) then {
   write b to new_records
   read next b

If course, you've got to add some checks to
deal with EOF correctly.

Hope this gives you some idea.
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