On stardate Tue, 15 Nov 2005, the wise Hans Nieser entered:

- Install www/linuxpluginwrapper
- Install www/linux-flashplugin7
- Put following in /etc/libmap.conf

 libpthread.so.0                 libpthread.so.2
 libdl.so.2                      pluginwrapper/flash7.so
 libz.so.1                       libz.so.3
 libm.so.6                       libm.so.4
 libc.so.6                       pluginwrapper/flash7.so

- Apply the patch at http://people.FreeBSD.org/~nork/rtld_dlsym_hack.diff to /usr/src/libexec/rtld-elf/rtld.c (using "patch < difffile").
- Rebuild rtld-elf:

 cd /usr/src/libexec/rtld-elf/
 make clean cleandir
 make clean cleandir
 make obj
 make depend
 make install

- Link the plugin:

ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/linux-flashplugin7/libflashplayer.so /usr/X11R6/lib/browser_plugins/

I'm also trying to install the flashplugin in Firefox. Also took the steps above but it still doesn't work.

Any other hints? :)


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