Brian McCann wrote:
	Wondering if anyone can help me out.  I'm looking for clustering
software (?) that will allow me to take 3 PCs, each with a 20GB HD for
example, and combine them to form one 60GB "disk" that could be mounted
from a client, and appear as one big disk.  I'd imagine I'd need some
kind of a front end box that the clients would connect to.  I'd also
like, but not necessary, the way that it would distribute the data NOT
to be something like RAID0, where part of the data is on one server, and
part on if one server in the cluster were to fail, the
other data would still be accessible.  Does anyone have ANY ideas on how
this could be done, or what software I should look at?  I've been told
by some friends who are big RedHat fans that Beowulf could probably do
this, but that's Linux based...and I'd rather stick with FreeBSD.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Brian,

I'd recommend to write sth. about the client OS you plan to use. There are some solutions out there, but the all are special.

L i W W W i Jens Rehsack
L i W W W W i nnn gggg LiWing IT-Services
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