Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
I find several docs on setting this up, but none pertaining to linux
compat. Can anyone point me to some instructions for setting this up


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Um... actually VERY easy...

Step 1:   install nss_ldap & pam_ldap
2:        edit /usr/local/etc/nss_ldap.conf
          edit /usr/local/etc/ldap.conf
          edit /usr/local/etc/ldap.secret
3: edit /etc/nssswitch.conf, change from 'files' to 'files ldap' for 'group', and 'passwd' (optionally) 'hosts' too. 4: do a quick 'ldapsearch -x' to make sure you are connecting/searching the correct ldap tree... 5: edit /etc/pam.d/<service> file(s) for which types of accounts you want to authenticate. ie: system, login, ftp, ssh, other, etc... should have to add a line like:

auth            sufficient      /usr/local/lib/      try_first_pass

That should be it. Assuming your librairies are up to date, you have a valid db/tree in ldap you can connect and search... then you should be able to login right away.

Nathan Vidican
Windsor Match Plate & Tool Ltd.
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