I tried to install 5.0-DP2 and 5.0-RC1 from floppies using FTP.
The kernel on the floppy doesn't include a driver for DEC Tulip
Ethernet chips, so I'm stuck.  The documentation mentions that
there is a new install floppy with extra device drivers on it,
but I can't find any documentation on how to use it.

Where is the documentation on how to use the drivers.flp floppy
during installation?  Yes, I've read EARLY, ERRATA, HARDWARE,
INSTALL, README and RELNOTES, and I've searched the man pages,
and I've searched the mail archives.

        /David Boggs


I happened to have a motherboard with an Intel Ethernet chip on
it, and the install floppy has a driver for that chip.  So I built
a system around it, and I'm making my 5.0-RC1 disk there, but I'd
still like to know how to use the driver floppy during installation
for the next time this happens.


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