+++ Mike McGranahan [freebsd] [16/12/02 05:06 -0800]:
| Hello,
| I would like to know what is the best way to dual boot FreeBSD 4.7 and
| Windows XP?  I found this information (
| http://www.geocrawler.com/mail/msg.php3?msg_id=7963936&list=151 ) regarding
| how to use the Windows XP loader, and this information on GRUB (
| http://www.gnu.org/manual/grub/html_node/Booting.html#Booting ) though there
| is no mention of Windows XP.
| I have two hard drives in my system, a 20GB which currently has Windows XP,
| and a 10GB which is empty.  I was considering making the 10GB drive common
| storage for both OS' as FAT32.  I would then move my data from the 20GB
| drive to the 10GB, partition the 20GB drive and install FreeBSD alongside
| Windows XP.  Besides setting up the bootloader, would there be any FreeBSD
| problems with this configuration?  In what ways could I set up dual-booting
| for this configuration, and which method is best?
| Alternately, I could just install FreeBSD on the 10GB drive, leaving the
| 20GB/Windows XP drive untouched.  In what ways can I set up dual-booting for
| this alternate configuration, and which method is best?
| Are there any online documents that address this, or would be insightful?
| Thank you for you help.
| Mike McGranahan
| Worst case scenario, I could use the alter the BIOS to control which drive
| boots.
| ------------------------------

why not try www.xosl.org?


# ls "/usr/lib/common sense"
ls: /usr/lib/common sense: No such file or directory

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