Just a note to say thanks to all the hard working people who created FBSD6. I spent an annoying week trying to get some minimal "lightweight" Linux distros to work "out of the box" on an ancient laptop that I had lying around. They all had various problems, such as: unable to recognize/configure the wireless ethernet card, or the X server wouldn't come up properly. FBSD6 worked basically "out of the box". I had to create a custom script in rc.d to get the wireless to work on boot, but that was about it.

basically the meat of the script looks like:

ifconfig ath0 ssid "my wireless network"
dhclient ath0

if someone can tell me what /etc/rc.conf options i need to set to duplicate that, that would be cool. i played around with it for a while but never got it to work without my custom script.


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