"Ruben Bloemgarten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all, 
> Could anyone let me know what's misconfigured here:
> When I ping from say server2 # ping jkhdsfkhdsafhjsahfdhksa.com I get the
> following reply :
> PING jkhdsfkhdsafhjsahfdhksa.com.mydomain2.com (ip.of.server.1): 56 data
> bytes
> 64 bytes from ip.of.server.1: icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.594 ms
> 64 bytes from ip.of.server.1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.427 ms
> The same happens from server1; it appends it's domain name to the incorrect
> domain
> # ping jkhdsfkhdsafhjsahfdhksa.com
> PING jkhdsfkhdsafhjsahfdhksa.com.mydomain1.com (ip.of.server.1): 56 data
> bytes
> 64 bytes from ip.of.server.1: icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.594 ms
> 64 bytes from ip.of.server.1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.427 ms
> Server2 is running multiple jails behind ipf/ipnat on 5.4-Release.
> Server1 is not running jails or ipf/nat. on 5.2.1-Current 
> Server1 responds on both systems, which are in the same subnet at the same
> colo.
> A dig from both systems does reply correctly, stating that
> jkhdsfkhdsafhjsahfdhksa.com does not exist. Which leads me to feel that it
> would most probably be hosts file related. As the hosts file on both systems
> are not doing anything weird i.e.:
> Server2: ip.natted.lan server2 server2.mydomain2.com server2.mydomain2.com.
> Server1: ip.static.wan server1 server1.mydomain1.com server2.mydomain2.com.
> Although, as dns has already taken place (on existing domains it does
> resolve correctly), it would seem that something is happening after
> hosts->dns-> (not using nis). 

Isn't this just the search parameter for resolv.conf(5)?
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