On Sun, December 11, 2005 9:44 pm, Louis LeBlanc wrote:
> Hey folks.
> Is it me, or is the courier-authlib port the absolute worst thing to
> upgrade?  It seems like *every* single time I try to upgrade this
> port, I wind up with nobody being able to log into my courier
> installation.  Usually, it's a simple matter of a simple manual
> restart of the daemon (it shuts down fine at deinstallation, but won't
> start back up when portupgrade is used), sometimes it's a minor config
> tweak.
> The thing is I keep forgetting this little issue for some stupid
> reason, and this time, I've got the darn thing dumping core every time
> someone tries to log in.
> The ports/security/courier-authlib-base/ port installs without any
> problems, but it only builds and installs the libauthpam.so module.
> This is fine, I guess, since I've removed all the other modules from
> the authmodulelist config - that's the only one it ever used before
> anyway.
> So, now I've gone through the whole fiasco of re-installing my entire
> courier-* setup, verifying ALL the configs for authdaemonrc, imapd,
> and imapd-ssl.  Still, authdaemond dumps core anytime someone tries to
> log in.
> Anyone else see anything wierd with courier-authlib-base-0.58?
> I have googled for it, and all I get are links to the various copies
> of the ports/UPDATING file.  Of course, it contains all the keywords I
> can come up with, but none are relevant to the recent issue - and the
> current UPDATING file has nothing about the latest courier-authlib
> update.
> BTW, I'm the only one on the system that can get mail, because I'm
> using mutt.  My Thunderbird and Squirrelmail users cannot log into
> either imap service (imapd with squirrelmail, imapd-ssl remotely).
> So, this is a little annoying, and probably a bit urgent.
> I have the entire port configuration output if it's of any help.  It
> looks like the config process cycles through 12 times.
> Any help would be appreciated.

Well, it's been a couple days with nothing but an offlist warning that MD5
hashes are not safe anymore.  Of course, I already knew this, which is why
I explicitly mentioned that the hash had been changed (thanks all the same
IR).  At this point I have to assume nobody else has seen this problem.  I
finally decided to simply drop back to version 0.57 yesterday, so my other
users are back to getting email.

I have to say, I'm a little annoyed with the regular problems upgrading
the courier-auth packages, but I also recognize that it's not like I'm
paying for the software, service or support.  That said, I'm still more
than happy with the courier server.  I'll just have to remember to be more
careful with this upgrade in the future.  Hopefully this message in the
archives will help others avoid the same headaches until the auth package
catches up with the server package.

Thanks all.


Louis LeBlanc                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fully Funded Hobbyist,   KeySlapper Extrordinaire :þ
http://www.keyslapper.net                       Ô¿Ô¬

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