Andrew Falanga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Ok, I was following my post in usenet (didn't know that messages
> posted here were propogated there, cool).  Someone responded to
> another chap who was having a similar problem as mine that the issue
> was probably that they hadn't loaded the FreeBSD bootloader on to the
> second drive.  So, I did this:
> # as root
> dd if=/dev/ad0 of=mbr.ad0 bs=512 count=1
> boot0cfg -B ad0
> In my system, the IDE drive (with windows) is ad0 and the SATA drive
> with FreeBSD is ad4.
> Now, when I'm presented with
> F1 - FreeBSD
> F5 - Drive1
> I press F5 and am presented with
> F1 - DOS
> F5 - Drive0
> This differs in that when I was presented with F5 on the first menu
> I'd press it and FreeBSD would boot.  Now, it appears to try to boot
> Windows but all that happens is I get a blank screen for a few seconds
> then the machine does a soft reboot and I'm back to the bootloader
> prompts after the BIOS does its thing.  What could be the issue now?

Hard to say; you have used too many pronouns without making clear what
they referred to.  Also, you removed the previous discussion from the
e-mail, so we can't tell what the previous problem had been, and why
you added the bootloader on the second drive (which should not be
necessary).  Luckily you copied off the existing boot sector from the
disk, so you should be able to restore it through the reverse procedure.

> P.S. What does 'ad' mean in ad0, ad1 ... adN?

>                                                Also, remember that I'm
> not a member of this list.  Please respond to me directly when you
> respond to the list as well.

That should be normal procedure.

>                               Someone who responded last time
> mentioned a gmail account, or something, if that is some sort of
> "work-around" for folks like me with limited space for e-mail, I'd
> like to know more.

It's an e-mail account from Google.
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