Dimitris Tsamis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I use Firefox and Thunderbird on FreeBSD and I have noticed that some of
> the extensions are available as ports, for example the adblock and
> enigmail extensions. I want to ask if there is a difference between
> installing the port and installing the extension from an xpi file.
> Especially for Thunderbird I see that the version available for FreeBSD
> on the official enigmail site is 0.89.6, whereas the port installs
> version 0.93.0. Why is that?

The official site is offering pre-compiled versions, and is somewhat
out of date for FreeBSD.  The maintainer of the mail/enigmail port
(ale@) does a pretty good job of keeping the FreeBSD ports tree up to
date with the released sources (often trailing a few weeks for minor
releases, less for major ones).
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