On Saturday, December 24, 2005 2:23:28 PM
Gerard Seibert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Using Sendmail to add headers to mail
Wrote these words of wisdom:

> I am not sure if this is possible or not. Is it possible to add custom 
> 'X-' headers to mail using Sendmail? For instance, suppose I wanted to add 
> the Habeas Headers <http://www.habeas.com/> to all my outgoing email. Is 
> it possible to do via Sendmail, or can this only be accomplished via my 
> MUA?
> I noticed on the Habeas site that there was a configuration for Exim, if 
> that means anything.
> -- 
> Gerard

Well, to answer my own question, I found out that I could use LOCAL_CONFIG
along with the 'H' macro to add the headers in the {domain}.mc file.
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