
On Wed, Dec 28, 2005 at 10:53:53PM +0100, Martin P. Hansen wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2005, Gilbert Cao wrote:
> > When I copy a single file with the cp utility, with -p flag, to
> > a smbfs mounted directory, the modification datetime is not preserved and it
> > is set to the current datetime :
> I've had this problem too, cp was also emitting a warning about utimes:
> mph# mount -t smbfs -o-Eiso8859-1:cp850,-f660 //[EMAIL PROTECTED]/e$ /mnt
> mph% cp -p INFO /mnt
> cp: utimes: /mnt/INFO: Operation not permitted

I don't have this warning when copying files.
All my mount directories are owned by my current (the one who does the

> This was because I wasn't ``owner'' of the files. Adding the -u flag fixed 
> this.

so, according to the mount_smbfs(8), the -u flag is not needed in my

> mph# mount -t smbfs -o-Eiso8859-1:cp850,-f660,-umph //[EMAIL PROTECTED]/e$ 
> /mnt
> Now my modification time is preserved.

The problem still persists in my case :
My samba server is a FreeBSD machine (//[EMAIL PROTECTED]/e$ <- I guess it is a
Windows machine)

But I still don't know why modification time is preserved when copying
with gqview ...

 (hika) Gilbert Cao
  - MiaouIRC Project 2002-2003
  - The BSD DMON Power to serve
 IRC : #miaule at IRCNET Network

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