Crispy Beef wrote:

Jean-Baptiste Potonnier wrote:

Jean-Baptiste Potonnier wrote:

/ I'm a new FreeBSD user, just tested it on an old i386, and want to

/>/ switch from Slackware linux to FreeBSD or NetBSD.
/>/ I wanted to install FreeBSD on my new Shuttle SN95G5: the AMD64 cdrom # />/ 1 boots, but a message tells me that no kernel can be loaded. />/ I get a command line wit "boot", "ls", 'load', etc. I tried some command />/ to load a kernel but it didn't work. />/ />/ I don't know if can install FreeBSD on this hardware with this CDROM.
I would think you'll need to download the AMD64 ISO from here:


I Tried with these iso.

Just booted my AMD64 system with the install CD from the link above and got into sysinstall no problem, booted the kernel (with ACPI) and could see all hardware being detected nicely.

I remember when I first had the system that I had to flash the BIOS as the USB 2.0 stuff was causing issues with both Windows and Linux, maybe it's worth updating the BIOS, outside of that I don't really know what to suggest and will have to leave it for somebody with more FreeBSD experience to answer.


Thank's a lot.
I precise that I've tried with ACPI disabled, just in case. I don't know how the installer decides that no kernel can be loaded,
but I suppose that some hardware is not supported.
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