
I have a question about using freebsd in high availability environments.

I am setting up a cluster of freebsd systems for websites on which downtime is 
unacceptable. Everything is redundant and will failover as soon as one of the 
components fails, the only single point of failure is the data storage.

What I'm looking for is a network filesystem for which I have 2 servers and 
multiple clients. My requirements are that if one of the data servers fails 
the clients will not notice this or if they will they'll only notice this for 
a minute and that these servers will synchronize the data between them.

I would prefer to keep these 2 servers on FreeBSD.

Are there any solutions for my problem?

Thanks in advance.

Quanza Engineering B.V.    Elandsstraat 44
Daniel Franke              1016 SG Amsterdam
M: +31 6 13 660 099        www.quanza.net

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