Allright, sorry for that post.

----------------(cut here)--------------------------
-> Gary, tu veux des lecons de francais ? (you want french lessons) :)

-> I am reading this ML for a few months now and it is (if I remember) the third
"freebsd vs linux" discussion. Now imagine I just want all of you to loose time
(even a little), I wait for a week or two and post a new "What do you think
about Tux or Beastie". The sure thing is that there is many and many and many
pages dealing with that on the net and for sure even in Polish.

This ML is not too much to read but if everyone search more than a little bit on
Google, it could get more efficient.

talking to newbies : I may be the less experimented in the FBSD world but I
search for nights all alone and find something interesting in the end.

However, I am very interested about differences between wheelbarrow and
dumptruck. I prefer the dumptruck, definitely.

--------------------------(cut here)----------------------
sorry again for that post

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