Steve Camp wrote:
I need to setup a web forum for a friend, and sure could appreciate
some pointers.

Some of my questions/issues include:

1)  Which forum software runs on FreeBSD?

By forum software, I am referring to programs such as
        o phpBB
        o vBulletin by Jelsoft

Personally, I HATE working with PHP... not to start flames or anything, call me 'old-school' if you will, but I prefer to seperate as much of the 'code' from the 'presentation' (html) as possible. I use a mod_perl'd version of mwForum under Apache, with a MySQL backend for my hosting customers. It allows me to setup multiple forums, can do polls/voting/etc, and gives great felxibility to 'virtually-hosted' forums/communities. Check out (one of my customers' sites) - for bandwidth usages, check out to see what that forum actually uses. I've hacked some portions of the forum code for security/configuration reasons, but mwForum will work pretty much out-of-the-box on FreeBSD with Apache; using optimizations for mod_perl are a little trickier - but that's where experience pays off.

2)  Suggestions for hosting services

    At a recent Colorado SAGE meeting, a fellow told me that hosting
    services exist where I can get a "virtual Linux" box for $20/month
    or so.  I specify how much physical memory, disk space etc. that I
    need, and I get a "virtual Linux" system, but for all intents and
    purposes, it looks and acts like it's own system.

    Does FreeBSD have any similar ability to "virtualize"?
    Are any hosting services offering FreeBSD servers for as little as
    $15-25 / month?  If not, for how little $/month might I find a
    FreeBSD server hosted by someone else?  Recommendations of hosting
    services welcome.

I looked into a lot of VPS options before I picked my providers; but in the end I found it cheaper/easier just to pay for a dedicated server alltogether. I pay roughly $100 / Canadian ( ~ $85 USD) per month for a dedicated 2Ghz+ machine w/ 80GB drive, 512Mb Ram, and 200Gb/month bandwidth. Email me off-list for details/providers if you'd like. I have servers currently in Chicago, Toronto, and New Jersey - all from different providers.

3)  Is anyone familiar with web forum software?  Can you point me to
any of:
      o Usenet groups
        o Web forums for forum admins
        o rules of thumb for estimating bandwidth requirements /
          system sizing for estimated numbers of users?
Many thanks,

As mentioned above, I'd reccomend mwForum ->

Steve Camp
Camp Technologies, LLC
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Hope it helps.

Nathan Vidican
Windsor Match Plate & Tool Ltd.
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