Jörg Meyer wrote:
> Thanks a lot. But as I understand your script it would only
> for the mupad package. That's great, but I am interested
> in a more general solution.
> pkg_add is really an impressive command, but why isn't there any
> way (as it seems) to tell it not onley to extract the package it
> is fetching but also to make a local them?
> I cannot understand that!
> If you want to install FreeBSD with a common set of applications
> on several computers how would you do that efficiently when
> getting the corresponding package set is so difficult?
> Thanks again for any good ideas concerning this problem.
> Yours, Joerg.
> Am 21.12.02 11:28:35, schrieb Jens Rehsack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>Jörg Meyer wrote:
>>>I've been experimenting with FreeBSD since the day
>>>day before yesterday. Coming from the MS-world I am very
>>>impressed already.
>>>I installed the system from a CD created from the Mini-Iso-Image.
>>>Installing packages with pkg_add -r I would like to have local
>>>copies of the downloaded tarball in order to create an adapted
>>>CD with the packages I really need (just for the case of a new-
>>>or re-installation).
>>>Of course, all the depending package-tarballs should be download
>>>as well - otherwise I could also ftp them manually.
>>>Furthermore it would be really nice if the directory structure of
>>>the FTP-Server was duplicated locally as well.
>>>I know (from experimenting) that make package within the ports collection
>>>can archieve something similar (packages are created under /usr/ports/packages
>>>if existent). But following this strategy in my opinion has 3 major disadvantages:
>>>1) Compiling packages like XFree86-4 takes quite a long time on my machnine.
>>Solution a) Buy a faster machine. Compile takes it's time
>>Solution b) Do not compile but download
>>Solution c) Wait
>>Solution d) reduce your optimization level
>>>2) It is impossible to create a package without installing it.
>>>In case of the package is installed already make returns an error
>>>telling me to deinstall the package first.
>>less /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk
>>-------- SNIPP
>># Default targets and their behaviors:
>># fetch - Retrieves ${DISTFILES} (and ${PATCHFILES} if
>># into ${DISTDIR} as necessary.
>># fetch-list - Show list of files that would be retrieved by fetch.
>># fetch-recursive - Retrieves ${DISTFILES} (and ${PATCHFILES} if defined),
>># for port and dependencies into
>>${DISTDIR} as necessary.
>># fetch-recursive-list - Show list of files that would be retrieved by
>># fetch-recursive.
>># extract - Unpacks ${DISTFILES} into ${WRKDIR}.
>># patch - Apply any provided patches to the source.
>># configure - Runs either GNU configure, one or more local
>># scripts or nothing, depending on
>>what's available.
>># build - Actually compile the sources.
>># install - Install the results of a build.
>># reinstall - Install the results of a build, ignoring
>>"already installed"
>># flag.
>># deinstall - Remove the installation.
>># package - Create a package from an _installed_ port.
>># describe - Try to generate a one-line description for
>>each port for
>># use in INDEX files and the like.
>># checkpatch - Do a "patch -C" instead of a "patch". Note that it may
>># give incorrect results if multiple
>>patches deal with
>># the same file.
>># checksum - Use distinfo to ensure that your distfiles are
>># checksum-recursive - Run checksum in this port and all dependencies.
>># makesum - Generate distinfo (only do this for your own
>># clean - Remove ${WRKDIR} and other temporary files used
>>for building.
>># clean-depends - Do a "make clean" for all dependencies.
>>-------- SNAPP
>>-------- SNIPP
>># For package:
>># NO_LATEST_LINK - Do not install the "Latest" link for package. Define
>># if this port is a beta version of
>>another stable port
>># which is also in the tree.
>># LATEST_LINK - Install the "Latest" link for the package as ___. Define
>># this if the "Latest" link name will be incorrectly
>># This is used in all stages:
>># SCRIPTS_ENV - Additional environment vars passed to scripts in
>># ${SCRIPTDIR} executed by bsd.port.mk (default: see below).
>># Finally, variables to change if you want a special behavior. These
>># are for debugging purposes. Don't set them in your Makefile.
>># ECHO_MSG - Used to print all the '===>' style prompts -
>>override this
>># to turn them off (default: ${ECHO_CMD}).
>># PATCH_DEBUG - If set, print out more information about the patches as
>># it attempts to apply them.
>># PKG_DBDIR - Where package installation is recorded
>>(default: /var/db/pkg)
>># NO_PKG_REGISTER - Don't register a port installation as a package.
>># FORCE_PKG_REGISTER - If set, it will overwrite any existing package
>># registration information in
>># NO_DEPENDS - Don't verify build of dependencies.
>>-------- SNAPP
>>It seems to work. Try 'NO_PKG_REGISTER=yes make package"
>>>3) dependencies are not considered.
>>>make package in /usr/math/mupad only creates a mupad-package
>>>but no package for linux_base which is necessary for mupad.
>>I've attached you a small script. Preventing duplicate builds it's a
>>lesson for the reader ;-)
>>>Does anyone know a solution to this problem?
>>>Don't you make local copies of packages you install(ed)?
>>>Thanks for each advice in advance.
>>Your welcome.
>>>Joerg Meyer

Hi Jörg,

1st: please avoid top posting. In our culture it's usual to read from
top to bottom and not otherwise, isn't it?

2nd: for your more general solution I recommend to RTFM. To your
information: $0 is the name of invoked script, $1..$n are the arguments,
if any. You can also use getopt(1)

3rd: I cannot understand your question 'bout pkg_add. Maybe you should
private mail me the question in german.

4th: I do not use packages, I build from ports. If I want to do that
efficiently, I build them once and install them several times using nfs.

Hope you'll get it run.

L i W W W i Jens Rehsack
L i W W W W i nnn gggg LiWing IT-Services
L i W W W W i n n g g
LLLL i W W i n n g g Friesenstraße 2
gggg 06112 Halle
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Tel.: +49 - 3 45 - 5 17 05 91 ggg e-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax: +49 - 3 45 - 5 17 05 92 http://www.liwing.de/

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