
When trying to add a new partition to an already existing disk slice on FreeBSD 
5.4, are these  the proper procedures to follow:

lets say we have:

/dev/ad4s1a    507630   56104   410916    12%    /
devfs               1       1        0   100%    /dev
/dev/ad4s1d    507630      12   467008     0%    /tmp
/dev/ad4s1e  10154158 1833920  7507906    20%    /usr
/dev/ad4s1f   6090094   40804  5562084     1%    /var

There is some 20GB unused space on the drive and I want to use that for 
/backup, so I did:

1) sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=16

2) sysinstall -> Confgiure -> Disk Label -> ad4

3) I've mounted each ad4 to its proper place using 'M' 

4) then I created the partition /backup using 'C' from the unused space which 
wass assigned /dev/ad4sa1g

5) then used 'W' to write the partitions, it gave couple of errors about busy 

6) reset sysctl:  sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=0

7) rebooted the machine and it came back fine

8) edit /etc/fstab and add 
/dev/ad4s1g             /backup ufs     rw      2       2

9) reboot the machine and it fails to come back on

am I missing something ?


Tamouh Hakmi

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