david bryce wrote:
On Thu, 2 Feb 2006 01:04:19 +0100, "Daniel A." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
Thanks again for taking the time to reply. I have tried using SSH in
the past, and got stuck setting up the public key login (that's
why we're using pserver).

I spent a few hours yesterday trying to get SSH going again. I can
login with SSH from the windows machine using Putty, but only when
I use password authentication. In order to use cvs with ssh (using
the plink program in Putty), we must use public key authentication.

We are getting a 'Key Refused' error when trying to use public key
authentication. I have tried doing several things including editing
the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:
Try one or more of the following things:
- Use puttygen to import your private key, and then export as .ppk
- Load your key.ppk into pageant, and let it manage your private key(s)
- Log in using your private key from the server (ie. login to the
server with your password, and then from the shell ssh

Please inform me of your results.


Thank you for taking the time to reply.

We are currently using pageant to manage the private key. However,
the keys we are using are generated with puttygen (not from the
server). The public key was then copied to the authorized_keys
file on the server. Would you recommend generating the keys on
the server? Do you have an idea where are some instructions about how to generate the keys on the server? Thanks!



Out of curiosity did you use "save public key" or copy and paste out of the "public key for pasting in openssh authorized_keys file" box? If I remember correctly, the "save public key" does not produce an openssh compatible public key. Doing the copy and paste routine should work.

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